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I am an amateur composer with a particular passion for Pipe Organ, Piano and Choral Compositions. I was born in Brisbane and studied organ at various large churches. I have recently been in Papua New Guinea earning my money through my profession as an accountant and was fortunate enough to be directing the local Port Moresby Choral Society that were extremely adaptive with my trying out compositions upon them. It was interesting to see the impacts of climate change in such a beautiful part of the world. Islands in the pacific are literally disappearing as the seas rise and storms are wiping out entire communities. The world needs to get behind that something is happening and not for the best. I have recently moved to London during COVID. Music with the Bach Choral Society has been a blessed relief and enjoyment to be a part of during the lockdown times together with my daily piano improvisations.

Classical, Other
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  1. The Greta Thunberg Song (Master) /user/oli+frost/ 2:18
  2. Jazz on the Autobahn The Felice Brothers 4:32
  3. CHANGE 3:08
  4. Enough is Enough Karine Polwart, Oi Musica & The Soundhouse Choir 6:56
  5. Sara Elise - The Waves /sara+and+elise/ 3:05
  6. Waste the+accidentals 3:50