Music and Climate Organizations We Love

Music & Climate on mountain scene

There are many wonderful organizations that, like Sea Us Rise, care passionately about music and healing the climate. You might already know some of them, but maybe we can introduce you to a few more.

Think 100% Climate

The stellar Hip Hop Caucus includes environmental actions and justice through it’s organization, Think 100% Climate. Think 100% gears up actions about clean air and water, especially in economically marginalized communities. They use podcasts, films, music, and activism to create change, many found on their YouTube channel.

The Hip Hop Caucus released a climate focused album a few years ago, HOME (Heal Our Mother Earth), with some absolutely stellar covers.

Climate Music

ClimateMusic describes themselves so well:

We communicate a sense of urgency about the climate crisis by combining climate science with the emotional power of music to drive meaningful action.

It is fascinating to hear compositions created from climate data, and can give meaningful inspiration to people who are aware of all the different climate issues, but have not yet felt impelled to act.

Plus they’re the ones who first introduced us to AY Young, the founder of The Battery Tour, and he is one of the United Nations’ Young Leaders For Sustainable Planet Goals.

Music For A Warming World

SUR artist Simon Kerr leads Music For A Warming World. There are a lot of scientist/musicians (Brian May of Queen is an astrophysicist!) and Simon has been composing and performing beautiful music to raise awareness about climate issues for years. They recognize that things aren’t going to return to what we once knew.

We have a chance but little time left. Let’s role up our sleeves with courage and compassion to imagine a new future worth living for.

Soumik Datta Arts

Soumik Datta’s work focuses in a way on healing. During the worst of the pandemic he created ways for musicians to perform and be heard. His compositions and projects also address healing the climate and environmental justice. He preserves and updates Indian arts. And his Spotify channel is on constant rotation at our house.

Songs of the Earth is a short animation we have featured before, and love to share.

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