Easy Ways to Reduce Your Streaming Impact

Streaming – music and video – causes 3 to 4% of the global carbon footprint. Maybe because it doesn’t seem to be using much except powering your device, it doesn’t seem harmful. Here are a few ways to reduce the impact, according to this article. We made this poster to highlight a easy ways to be a better streamer. You can download the poster here.

Listening on your phone has a much smaller footprint than listening to music through your television. Huge difference!

The easiest change is to download music and listen to that instead of streaming.

Another simple change is to wait a little longer to replace your devices – that is so much better for the planet in so many ways. It lessens the impact on the manufacturing and disposal ends.

Music fans in South Korea are highlighting the harm that coal plants are causing, and learning how to wield their power. We can lobby streaming companies to do better. Netflix, Disney, and other streamers make promises – are they keeping them? Spotify says they will be net zero on greenhouse gasses by 2030.

If you are streaming as background music, you are missing out on the art and passion in all of that content. Deep listening to music opens your playlists up to you, and transforms it from white noise to meaningful.



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